Sunday, May 22, 2011

The T4G Podcast 1

T4G Podcast - Episode 1 by arteology

Hello friends,
This is the first podcast of tech4game. So listen on... and feel free to comment and share your thoughts on this new integration. 

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Motion design & VFX Sowreel 2010-2011

Hi guys, its been again some time since my last post. But from the last two days i have been compiling all my work done in most part of 2010 and early 2011 to come up with my new Showreel. The reel mostly contains my Motion Design and VFX work along with some Stop Motion & Time Lapse photography just to add some variety. So hopefully you all will like it, and do comment and let me know your thoughts.

Call Of Duty Fever